The Daily Schedule Below is typical of an average day at Aleph Academy.


9:00 Arrival

We greet each other. Children put away their belongings in their cubby crates, and settle into a fun day.


9:00- 9:45 Morning Centers and Free-play 

Children choose the centers that they would like to work on. They are encouraged to explore and collaborate with one another. They move and rotate through the centers at their own pace. Children are also invited to complete work started previously. Teachers engage with them at their centers.


9:45-10:00 Clean- Up

We divide the clean up jobs. Children put away all the games and supplies back to their shelves.


10:00- 10:15 Music and Movement 

We get out our music, instruments, and have fun.


We call kids individually to go to the bathroom and wash hands. 


10:15 -10:30 Snack/ Mitzvah notes

Children bless and eat a snack and clean up after themselves. We read the Mitzvah notes and nice things the children do. (Parents send in Mitzvah notes - things that they are proud/ want to encourage their child to do.) 


10:30 - 10:45 Circle time 

Morning meeting time is a welcome song, Jewish prayer songs - the Mode Ani (expressing gratitude) and Shema, Giving Tzedaka, and discussing upcoming holidays.  


10:45-11:30 Outdoor play 

Children play outdoors with water and sensory tables, bikes, balance beam, and so much more.  


11:30 - 11:40 Circle time

During this meeting time we discuss a new literacy or math skill (a letter, a shape, or a math activity). Teacher takes child interest in to high account.


11:40-12:10 Learning Centers 

Children practice the new skill they have learned through centers. 


12:10- 12:15 

Children clean up, wash hands and prepare for lunch


12:15- 12:45 Lunch

Children eat a healthy and filling lunch brought from home. When they finish they asked to excused, clean up, wash hands and head to the library. Many a time the teacher will read a book to the children during this time, related to topics being explored in that current season.


12:45-1:00 Library and Dismissal 

Children read books alone or listen to stories.