The curriculum at Aleph encompasses all areas of child development – social, emotional, physical and cognitive. All activities are offered in a “play-based” environment because that is how young children learn best. The classroom schedule includes a balance of teacher–directed and student–initiated activities, of active and quiet learning activities, and large and small group activities, and individual play.
Our classroom set up is comprised of learning centers which include blocks, art, dramatic play, books, manipulatives and scientific discovery and plenty of natural plants and elements. These centers allow the children to have choices and to actively explore. They learn by interacting with their peers, teachers and the varying things in their environment. Each center has a specific aim and with the teacher's guidance, helps the children's emotional, cognitive and physical growth.
Outdoor play and exploration is incorporated daily into our schedule (weather permitting). With open-ended play structures, and various elements and materials, children use the opportunity to be inquisitive and to understand the climate and environment around them.
Language Skills:
Language is developed with the teachers modeling and encouraging the children to talk, to listen, even to write – at every opportunity – about what they’re observing or doing as they interact and play. Books are an important and constant part of the curriculum and are available to the children at all times. Books are also often read to the children, individually and/or in small groups, as well as to the whole group. New vocabulary is always pointed out when read in books. Children are encouraged to discuss its meaning, synonyms and context. Children are also given access to writing materials and art utensils and are encouraged to experiment with them.
Social Skills:
We encourage each child to work and play with others, to develop communication skills, to respect the rights and privacy of their peers and most of all to develop feelings of kindness, courtesy, helpfulness and acceptance. Adults facilitate child interactions and model appropriate words and actions to use with friends, to join a group, to resolve conflict, to problem-solve together, etc. This is not something that can be mastered in one day. Social skills are developed and practiced throughout the year.
Emotional Skills:
Children are encouraged to develop a positive self-concept, to understand the difference between right and wrong and to develop responsibility. They are encouraged to recognize that people are different and to be accepting of others and we help them learn and practice appropriate ways to respond to others and to express their feelings constructively. In an age appropriate manner, we learn self-help skills, taking ownership of our classroom, cleaning up after ourselves and respecting others.
Physical Skills:
Children are provided constant opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills, to develop finger strength and dexterity, and eye-hand and body coordination. Strengthening of small muscles (particularly in the hands and fingers) are very important in early childhood to prepare children for gripping instruments and writing. It is also important for them to be able to manipulate materials in various ways as they explore and experiment. We work on these fine-motor skills through the use of play dough, clay, sand, art materials such as scissors, small manipulative games, puzzles, writing instruments (markers, pencils), and more.
Exercising the body’s large muscles is important because the children are still working on coordination, balance, cross body movements and more. Children can run, jump, climb, slide, kick and throw balls. Gross motor play takes place outdoors, and in the large room with hula hoops, movement to music, dancing, and exercising. We also incorporate regular guided yoga sessions. This simultaneously teaches body and muscle awareness.
Jewish Experiences:
Aleph Preschool is a Jewish institution that is rooted in the values of the Torah. The children take pride in their Jewish heritage through interactive, multi-sensory experiences that bring Jewish values and customs to life. This includes activities for Jewish holidays, Shabbat parties, Challah baking, giving charity and doing many Mitzvot in our classroom. Blessings on our foods before and after eating teach awareness of G‑d's hand in everything we consume. We encourage parents to send mitzvah notes from home describing their children’s good deeds. This encourages our youth to take pride in the good deeds/actions that they do. It also encourages good behavior at home, with values that carry over at home and in school. Our students leave Aleph Preschool with a sense of Jewish pride and connection to Judaism and the land of Israel.
Fridays are a special day at Aleph. Our children make a fresh loaf of Challah that they bring home each week. We excite ourselves for the oncoming Shabbat through a special weekly Shabbat party filled with fun tradition and activity.