The adult's role in a child's journey is to support and facilitate their growth and development. This role is a great privilege and equally a responsibility. Teaching has always been a time honored Jewish tradition. 

We seek out teachers and staff methodically. They are hand picked for their skill, patience, reliability and care. Staff at Aleph are sensitive to the needs of each child, and have a strong commitment to quality Jewish education.

Our teachers encourage our children to reflect, to be independent, to create, to explore, to question, to cooperate, to negotiate, to wonder, to love and to laugh.

Aleph faculty meet regularly to discuss quality of program, curriculum, toss ideas and engage in full open communication. In order to uphold the high standards of our program, staff development is ongoing throughout the year. This ensures that our teachers remain alert to the ever changing needs of today's families and to the findings of current research.

Our director, Mushka Cohen, and our teachers are a dedicated group of professionals whose level of commitment does not stop at the classroom door. They bring to their jobs a unique and special blend of professional skills and personal experience.