Shavuot with Chabad of Huntsville
Shavuot, the holiday of the giving of the Torah; back then on Sinai, and each year anew with the reading and hearing of the ten commandments. Shavuot this year will celebrate 3,336 years since the giving of the Torah!
This year's annual Shavuot celebration will feature an ice cream bar and a scrumptious dairy buffet! The dinner will take place outdoors, weather permitting.
Please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing [email protected]
Browse our extensive search bar to learn more about the giving of the Torah, Sinai, the becoming of a nation, and what dairy has to do with it all.
Complete Holiday Schedule:
All scheduled services are to take place at Chabad of Huntsville. All times are for 35801 zip code.
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
7:42 PM - Light holiday candles, and another 24 hour+ candle, to use as a pre-existing flame for the next night.
8:30 PM - Count the last day of the Omer, the final eve leading to the Shavuot holiday.
11:00 PM - It is customary to stay up all first holiday night and study Torah until dawn (3:54 AM June 12) as a prep for the receiving of the Torah anew. Our intern Yeshiva boys are waiting to sit and learn with you any topic of your choice beginning 11:00 PM until 2:00 AM.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
10:30 AM - Holiday morning services. - Shacharit and Mussaf.
5:30 PM - The all-famous reading of the Ten Commandments! Huge Mitzvah for every Jewish man, woman, child, and baby!
6:00 PM - Grand dairy buffet dinner and ice cream party.
Special prize giveaway to all children to attend!
8:45 PM - Candle lighting for day 2 of the holiday from a pre-existing flame.
Thursday, June 13, 2024
10:30 AM - Holiday morning service with Hallel singing. Followed by a light kiddish.
11:30 AM - Yizkor service for our passed loved ones.
8:45 PM - Holiday of Shavuot ends.