"Dear Rabbi and Rebbitzin Cohen,
Thank you for your gracious hospitality during the Shabbos I spent with you. I enjoyed myself completely. I hope that your community grows in quantity and quality for years to come. L'shanah tova."
- Joyce F

"Rabbi Cohen,
Thank you for the many kindnesses you gave Marlene and Abe during their visit to Huntsville. I truly appreciate your offer of home for the Sabbath."
- Barbara T

What they're saying.png

"Dear Mushkie & Rabbi Cohen <3,
You do so many loving, kind and caring mitzvahs all year long. We were delighted when you visited us on a  Friday with a delicious challah, and did tefillin. Now we thank you so much for your Purim gift mitzvah. It is  a blessing to have you and Chabad in Huntsville."
- Diane and Howard

"Mushky and Moshe,
We are so proud of how much you have accomplished  in Huntsville thus far. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our family and the Jewish community. We love you guys!"
- Evan and Amy 

"Dear Rabbi and Rebbetzin,
Thank you for your hospitality and special kindness extended during the Holy Days of Pesach and Shavuot. We enjoyed our visit to your exquisite home and certainly loved seeing old friends and making on acquaintances."
- George and Sarah

"Dear Mushky and Rabbi Moshe,
Thanks for making Shavuos a special holiday. Enjoyed meeting Zalmy and Mendel. Their singing made it very joyous. Thanks again."
- Shirley and Teddy 

What they're saying (1).png"Dear Rabbi,
I would like to thank you and your wife from the bottom of my heart! The immediate hospitality that  felt when meeting you was heartwarming. I am honored to be a guest in your home! Shabbat Shalom."
- Andrew C

"We certainly enjoyed your hospitality, family and food. Thank you so much for including us! Shalom y'all."
- Lou and Beverly

"Dear Moshe and Mushky,
You both are so thoughtful and caring. We wanted to thank you for your generosity over the last few weeks- The Shabbat dinner that you provided at the hospital was really special- and thank you for the baby gift. You do so much for the Jewish community in Huntsville! We are truly lucky to have you."
- Shani, Clint, Ethan and Emma

"Dear Mushky,
Thanks for a fun, delicious and informative program. You obviously did a lot of work and a lot of shlepping to make such a nice afternoon for us."
- Etz Chayim Sisterhood. 


Your feedback is important to us! Were you or someone you know impacted by Chabad of Huntsville? Share your experience by emailing us at [email protected]