
Calendar Mail Form

  • It is our goal at Chabad for every Jewish home to receive a box of  handmade Shmurah  Matzah in time for the Seder. The matzah is brought in from Israel, special for the Huntsville Jewish community. Each year we take great joy and pride in sharing this great mitzvah of Passover!

    This year, it is thanks to generous sponsorships of family and friends, and the amazing dedication of our volunteers who personally hand deliver the matzah to each home.

    If you or someone you know would like a box of  Shmurah Matzah delivered to their home, please fill out this form, and they will be added to our distribution list at absolutely no charge. Please share this information with your local friends, as our goal is to reach every Jewish family in town!

    (If you received matzah from us in past years, no need to request it; you're already on our route). 

    Happy Passover! 

  • It is our goal at Chabad for every Jewish home and office to receive a vibrant colorful Jewish Art Calendar in time for the Jewish New Year.  These calendars are beautifully designed, in full size and colored print, making it your go to choice for daily referencing!

    This year, the Jewish Art Calendar is thanks to generous sponsorships of family and friends, who supported this effort with ads and greetings!

    If you or someone you know would like a copy of the new calendar mailed to their home, please fill out this form, and they will be added to our distribution list at absolutely no charge. Please share this information with your local friends, as our goal is to reach every Jewish family in town!

    (If you received a calendar from us in past years, and your address hasn't changed, no need to request it. You can already start looking out for it in your daily mail). 

    Happy New Year! 

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